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National Association of School Resource Officers-
Mississippi Department of Education (Safe and Orderly Schools Division)
-Excerpt from the Mississippi School Safety Manual- Pages 8-10
Mississippi Code 37-7-321: Training Definitions for SRO, Campus Enforcement & SSO
Mississippi Code 37-7-323: Application and enforcement of general criminal laws of state
How to Become a State of Mississippi CERTIFIED School Resource Officer
by MDE on November 1, 2022
Qualifications to becoming an SRO (According to the MDE School Safety Manual):
Must be a full-time certified Law Enforcement Officer for at least three (3) years prior to SRO assignment; and
Must be at least 24 years old
Prerequisites to take prior to BASIC SRO TRAINING:
FEMA Incident Command Courses- FREE ONLINE! Create a SID # and use the links
ALERRT Active Shooter Level 1 (Within Last 3 Years): MOHS Training Opportunities
Or contact MOHS Training Coordinator Laura Fosselman to set up a training date. Email: or Cell: (601) 927-7783
SRO Certification Training: ** Officers MUST complete Certification within 2 Years of the appointment or assignment to the School District**
Take a Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) sponsored SRO Basic Training; OR
Take a National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO) Basic SRO Training AND an 8 Hour MDE Legal Course
You can find NASRO Basic SRO Courses taught all across the country by visiting their website: NASRO Training Courses
** Submission: Once all the parts are completed from prerequisites to certification training, please send all the certificates to MDE School Safety Specialist Lauren Houston at to fulfill your certification requirements and receive your state certification.**
Maintain SRO Certification:
Officers MUST complete 40 hours of MDE approved in-service training per year
Including two (2) firearm certifications per year